Supplier Quality Engineer

Firestone Industrial Products Europe B.V.
  • Arnhem
  • Detachering
  • HBO
  • 40 uur
  • € 5.000 per maand
Patrick van Otterlo avatar
Patrick van Otterlo principal consultant

The purpose the Quality Engineer’s (AQE) role is to support the quality requirements during the new product development process for automotive customers using AIAG Quality Core Tools. Including, but not limited to, refining of new component critical characteristics during the PPAP process, identification of design risks, supporting the design review process of new components and prototype assemblies. And also, problem solving activities and root cause analysis, definition of global standards supporting new product development and continual improvement.

The quality Engineer also supports the development of new OE automotive components during the Product Development Process (PDP), including PPAP request initiation, and iterative improvements of components until full PPAP approval. This involves the coordination of any related activities with cross functional teams and locations, including Suppliers, Procurement, Project Management, Engineering and Plant QA.

Responsibilities/skills are:

· Lead measurement correlation activities between the organization and suppliers

· Ensure on time component PPAP approvals to meet project timelines

· Drives global standardization of project related processes

· Lead complex cross function team activities involving multiple locations

· Supports the coordination of safety in the lab and office



  • Typically requires a minimum of 5 years of related experience
  • A bachelor’s degree; or 3 years and a master’s degree, or a PhD without experience; or equivalent work experience
  • You already have a European work permit/visa


  • strong self made engineer
  • very good communication skills
  • exelling in a dynamic organisation


Good earnings from Firestone as well as from Yacht!

Salary range is between € 3.500,- and € 5.000,- gross per month.


Firestone Industrial Products is an international supplier of advanced air springs for various applications. We are part of Bridgestone globally with our European Headquarters in Arnhem. For our office and testing lab in Arnhem we are looking for an enthusiastic:

Supplier Quality Engineer


Inclusiviteit en diversiteit

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierin herkent. We geloven dat diverse teams van belang zijn voor ons als lerende organisatie, die voorop wil blijven lopen in de wereld van werk. Want juist verschillen tussen mensen zorgen voor groei. Van collega's, klanten, kandidaten en daarmee van Yacht. Heb jij een uniek talent? We ontmoeten je graag.

Patrick van Otterlo avatar
Patrick van Otterlo principal consultant


recruiter Patrick van Otterlo

Patrick van Otterlo

principal consultant

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